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Showing posts with label Best facebook comments. Show all posts

20 February 2015

10 Must-Have HTML5 Editors For Web Developers


html5, text editors, Squire, WYShtml5, Popline, Randera, mercury, Aloha editor, bluegriffon, canvas, qute

HTML5 is widely used for designing UI of website or a web app. HTML5 text editors are widely used by developers and designers for designing the UI and UX fo of their app. These editors provide quite comfortable environment and features to developers. Today we have complied the list of 8 best HTML5 text editors.

1. Squire

Squire is powerful HTML5 editor. It is one of the best lightweight and flexible editor available on the web. Squire brings number of useful features. The tool works across most of the web browsers such as, Opera 10, Firefox 3.5, Safari 4, Chrome 9 and IE8.

2. WYSIhtml5

This is an open source feature rich text editor for HTML5. The tool brings sophisticated security concept to the method of editing. WYSIhtml5 is lightweight editor that offers Auto-linking of URLs as you type. You can easily use class names and use sandbox iframes to prevent identity theft through XSS. You do not require additional knowledge of jQuery to use WYSIhtml5.

3. Popline

Popline is HTML5 rich text editor toolbar. The tool has been inspired by popclip. Popline supports traditional RTE and View mode. Popline is highly integrated with social media accounts like Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest. You can also use Google search in view mode. This is out-of-the-box HTML5 editing tool.

4. Randera

Randera offers realtime preview of your work in CSS> The tool supports HAML and SASS. This tool is also used for learning HTML5 and CSS3 in an easier way. Randera is built with CoffeeScript and Sinatra.

5. Mercury

This is a feature-rich HTML5 editor. Mercury supports all HTML5 elements, syntaxes and JavaScript APIs. The tool is fully HTML, it supports full HTML, simple, markdown, snippet and image region. You can preview the edited content, insert links, images, videos and tables. Uploading files in Mercury is as simple as drag and drop.

6. Aloha Editor

Aloha is the most advanced browser based HTML5 editor. The tool lets you experience a new way editing. It is faster than existing technologies and offers unprecedented functionalities. Aloha can be easily embedded in content management systems like Wordpress, Dupal, MeteorJS. Aloha is built using JavaScript.

7. BlueGriffon

BlueGriffon is the next generation Firefox based web editor. The tool is powered by Gecko rendering engine Firefox. It is the most modern and robust solution for editing web pages in latest web standards. BlueGriffon offers intuitive application that lets web developers make changes in simpler user interface that allows them to create attractive web sites.

8. Raptor

Raptor editor is the user-friendly and easy-to-integrate solution. The tool is designed for inline editing. It is the best solution for complex multi-block layouts. Raptor offers comprehensive built-in tools for editing unit tests and modular codebase and plugin APIs.

9. Canvas

Canvas is a simple text editor based on HTML5 canvas. The tool is written as a result of set of tutorials on text editor inner workings.

10. Qute

Qute is innovative HTML5 text editor that offers Markdown and TeX support. Qute has great feature of paragraph preview. Users can switch between editing the source and viewing rich text rendering with several typeset formulas for each paragraph. Qute has minimal interface, several themes and full-screen mode for distraction free writing. 


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